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Sharplan Laser Systems

Laser SOS provides laser lamps for a wide range of Sharplan laser systems, including the:


Sharplan 2100, 300
Sharplan 5100 Epi-touch
Sharplan 5100 Epi-touch Alexandrite, new Version
Sharplan 2000 Ruby
Sharplan 5000 Ruby
Sharplan Epilight


Please use the enquiry table below to request price and delivery for those lamps appropriate for your system.  If you cannot locate the exact system being used or are unsure as to which lamp is appropriate please email [email protected] with the technical details of your system and the lamp specification.

Submit A Parts Enquiry

To request the price and availability of any item(s) shown above please enter the quantity required on the form below and then choose your preferred invoice currency, add your name, your company name, whether you are an OEM, distributor, or end user and finally your email address and telephone number, then press the "submit enquiry" button. We will confirm receipt of your enquiry by return.

RefCodeDescriptionQty. Required
1LL95Sharplan 2100, 300
2LL7112Sharplan 5100 Epi-touch
3LL2028Sharplan 5100 Epi-touch Alexandrite, new Version
4LLXF390Sharplan 2000 Ruby
5LL1311Sharplan 5000 Ruby
6LL8586Sharplan Epilight

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